Cadbury chocolate warehourse sales

很久都没在我的Blog写些东西了,连Banner都没空画, 最近除了工作繁忙外, 我也参加了Fitness Club, 每星期去两次 Fitness Center 做gym, 够健康了吧? 不过我们一运动完, 就大吃大喝, 有运动等于没有, 哈哈… 除此之外, 我也报了名考试, 考什么试呢? 考保险! 以后看到我别怕了我哦, 我去考试其实是想学些东西, 想增广我对Financial的知识,如果能赚更多的钱是最好咯 :P

上个星期六我去了cadbury chocolate warehourse sales, 哇!好恐怖, 好多好多人,我还以为只有我对巧可力那么痴情, 哈哈! 幸好我朋友有认识一位工作人员, 他带我们从另一个入口进去, 我们省了好几个小时不用排队, 我进到里边也蛮恐怖, 那些巧克力很便宜, 那些人用来枪的呢, 还好我朋友的体型比较高大, 很容易就可以拿到我喜爱的巧克力…以下是我所买的巧克力照片,猜猜看我花了多少钱?

答案: RM45, 便宜吗? 明年再去… keke.. 老实说我觉得我买得不够.. 哈哈.. 我去那天是最后一天, 很多种类都卖完了… 不够我吃… 抱歉没给你们.. :P

7 Responses to “Cadbury chocolate warehourse sales”

  1. poh Says:

    Wah, so many liau le…If u finish eat all alone, then must be becareful o..hehe~~

  2. becky Says:

    Haha… sure… Everyday i also eat chocolate, but must drink more water, if no sure will ge sick.

  3. agnes Says:

    yo…u really scary lar,I knew tat u luv chocolate so much but never tot tat u become crazy like this lor…but honestly la,really worth wat did u bought lor…so cheap!…Hehehe…
    Me will ” put long double eye “(fong cheung xiong gan-Cantonse) =P to see how fat u will be then,hahaha….!!!

  4. d Says:

    Those chocs will make u paying the fitness center for nothing .. :P Control Diet sial ~

    pass everything to me, will contribute to the orphanage under your name ya?!

  5. becky Says:

    hey, david! want to contribute for orphanage meh? chocolate i eat, i will contribute others for them… hehe…

    agnes!! ….. “put long double eye” somemore ar? you take care yourself first la… kekeke…

    Im eating cadbury chocolate now… yummy…

  6. Says:

    嗯…… 巧克力還有剩給我嗎? 嘻嘻

  7. becky Says:

    如果你要的话, 这几天拿给你… :) 我吃到牙齿痛….