Archive for the '<(00)> Story' Category

eStHer birhday party

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

Mices Annual Dinner - 19-01-2006

Friday, January 20th, 2006

Stand : Ang, Vee Chuen, Andy (boss)
Sit : Bee Geok, Chei Shen, Melania, Chia, Poh Ngo, Me, Khai Suan (boss), Ken (boss)


Friday, January 6th, 2006

是的, 新年将要来临咯… 每年新年前两个星期我特别的忙.今年比以往更忙, 因为刚好公司忙着一份project, 所以在新年前我们必须加班把东西赶完..另外, 明天我会忙着替我的卧房打扮一下(油漆)…哈哈…很多人都说我是不是有问题, 没三年都油一次漆… 其实我在家大部分时间都是在我的卧房; 做工, 上网, 看电视都是在房间里做, 尤其我这个爱睡猪更常常在房里睡觉…:P… 所以呢.. 弄漂亮一点和整齐(希望能做到)一点会比较舒服…
为了迎接新年, 除了粉刷房间, 昨天晚上我还去电头发, 哈哈… 我想要电头发已经有好几年了, 这次终于都做到了, 好不好看? 我不知道喔.. 要问你们才知道… 嘻!!
嗯… 我还没开始买衣服呢… 唉… 薪水都用了七七八八了… 怎么办?

Happy New Year 2006…

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

Happy New Year to my all dear friends!!… how you celebrate last night? I just go to a pub to count down, feel no bad…. will update the photos soon too.. hehe
* Photo Added

Celebrate at Candelier

New hair style

Back to busy Life

Friday, December 30th, 2005

Forgot to inform you all I come back already… back to busy life now. Working hours rushing project, after work busy help my friend do something somemore… everyday got only few hours can sleep, going to sick soon…
Many ppl ask me where is the bangkok photo? the photos still at […]


Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

我最喜爱的节日将来临了, 有点遗憾今年没和班老友一起庆祝. 明天我将会乘下午班机去曼谷游玩, 顺便在那庆祝圣诞节, 那边的圣诞节好不好玩和热不热闹我也不清楚,希望不会另我失望吧…哈哈!
Merry Christmas, My all dear friends!!!
* 刚才看了King Kong , 很好看!三个小时的戏, 很值得!


Monday, December 19th, 2005

刚才接了我爸电话, 他告诉我他跌倒弄伤了手, 他还叫我去家附近的诊疗所找他, 我吓了一跳, 我很匆忙的赶去找他, 连电话和皮包都没带…
原来不是很大件事, 只是手扭到, 为了安全其见才到诊疗所照X光, 他叫我去是因为他不能驾车, 所以叫Uncle载我去现场把车驾回来… 说真的我还是第一次驾我爸的车… 蛮过隐的.. 嘻嘻… 可惜只有五分钟的路程….


Monday, December 19th, 2005

还以为工作的时间才会觉得累, 但我刚过的周末更加累… 昨天Audrey, Ang, Yau, Wai 和我去”马来西亚学佛会” 做義工。平时星期日迟起床的我,昨天真的很想赖在床上不想去… 不过已经答应了朋友不能不去… 我们做義工至到四点左右,收拾了东西就去Mid Valley California Fitness Centre 做gym。之前我们都拿了十四天短期会员证,为了别浪费这十四天免费试玩,我们一有时间都会想去那做些运动,而我的目标当然是瘦身减肥啦… 那的工作人员说我的Body Fat很多,如果不做多运动会影响到健康.. 呜呜..
做了两个小时的gym,,我们又去One Utama看戏,本来打算看King Kong的,满座!那我们只好看如果爱,这部电影蛮艺术的,我本人就觉得不错,不过我朋友看到睡着了,哈哈!看完了电影回到家都凌晨一点了,一回到家赶快刷牙换衣zzz….

You meet this case before?

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

My friend- “L”, he work hard and hits the target to Hong Kong for vacation, before a day his company has a annual dinner, so all the staffs very enjoy the dinner, of course they drink much that night too…
the 2nd day… my friend “L” was over sleep and miss the flight to Hong […]

change again

Saturday, December 3rd, 2005

Finally i use more 30min to change this banner… really cannot accept previous banner…
Yup.. christmas is coming soon, what your plan? This christmas I will pass at Bangkok, Thailand.. this is 1st time I pass christmas at oversea, feeling no really good, because last few years I celebrate with my gangs (around 20 […]