Melacca–> David birthday + Mid Autumn Festival

We celebrate David birthday at A Famosa Melacca yesterday, Audrey and me arrive there around 10pm, because before that we have to go Matta fair at PWTC. Very tired when u reach the A Famosa’s banglow… they are BBQ and we direct go into the room to change short pants and rest. After rest for a while, I go to out see what happen of them, cause I keep listen them keep laughing… OH NO… all wets… because they push each other into the swimming pool.. audrey and me saw this situation and think to hide into the room, but its too late.. nelson and david carry me up, and me keep screaming, I told them i was sick and didnt bring extra underwear and clothes, but they ignore what i said, i keep pull audrey and ask her help… audrey cant help me cause someone ( AhKhu) pushing her too… Edmund want to help Audrey… finally 5 /6 of us all fall into the pool… Hahaha…. Audrey keep scold me, haha… because of me she involved… After that we quickly go to shower and BBQ… Edmund BBQ the chicken wings for us all no enough cook… haha… so I didnt eat it…
Jeff feel no full and bring us to melacca town to eat satay lut lut… yummy… I remember last time I eat Satay Lut Lut is 2 years before… Because i sick, so i just can eat some… After that we back to the banglow and put ” kong ming deng” (孔明灯)… we took many photos that day… but not my camera.. so i cant show u all yet… hehe…

3 Responses to “Melacca–> David birthday + Mid Autumn Festival”

  1. Says:

    i look at the picture, haven’t finish reading also feel hungry liao… hahaha… what a wonderful weekend! :D

  2. dAVid Says:

    GosH~ Becky u definitely missed all the fun for coming in late. But u’re lucky enuff to get out from the pool on time, those of us tat ’soaked’ in the pool for hrs all got infected w germs the nxt day *itchy* .. A little pay back for the devilish manners? Haha!
    Btw ,u’re rite .. the pics are still wif me .. muahaha ..

  3. becky Says:

    where u find my blog? :P remember give me the A famose coupon ya… I will go again!