Archive for the '<(00)> Story' Category

Lazy to write blog

Monday, September 5th, 2005

Really lazy to write blog recently, i think almost 2 weeks no any changes here… so… today i change the header design again, look no really nice, but as long something to change of my blog.. hehe…

Happy Birthday Chia..

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Today is Miss Chia birthday… we all go to japanese restaurant to celebrate… very full and sleepy now, but have to continue work too… hehe

Mices Technology staff… the white t-shirt guy is ang, from left to right -> chei shen, poh ngo, melania (pink shirt), chia (birthday girl), bee geok, pei yee, me and the […]

Cheak & Miin Celebration

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

Yesterday we all celebrate Miin and Cheak birthday at Redspot… got KFC eat somemore, yummy… hehe…

Fat much… :(

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

My weight is 54kg now… cant believe it i get this weight… but is truth after i measure 2 times, hopefully that machine is damage, haha… Today is Sunday, I just finish lunch, shopping and dinner at damansara and Kepong…. Ai… eat a lot today again… I told them I just need to go […]

Audrey sick

Saturday, August 20th, 2005

Audrey sick already… she always say she is so strong, but.. finally sick now… have to give her 1 or 2 days, sure she will recover back.

Today we plan to go KL to celebrate Ah Khu birthday actually. Before we go, we went to Jaya Jasco Klang to buy his present, after that Audrey […]

Miin’s Birthday

Friday, August 19th, 2005

Yesterday was Miin big day!! So sorry I rushing something and cant celebrate with her at Where Where restaurant, but finally I attend for few minutes to wish her, here are some pictures i took with her. See… I wearing spec, yeak!! Ugly!!


Monday, August 15th, 2005

Wah… spent a lot on food last 2 days, last saturday we dinner SS2 “long si fu”, after that go to Serdang “Hai Lo” yam cha… cause Paul asked me go to support his friend “Uglyman” there….
Yesterday, we plan to go to eat japanese buffet at Klang, but i feel this few days […]


Saturday, August 13th, 2005

今天约了一位保险经纪在吧生的TESCO见面. 其实我都没想到要买保险, 但是他约了我好几次, 还说不买没关系, 那我就只好去应酬下. 经过大约30分钟的讲解和介绍, 最终我还是没买那分保险, 呵呵…
现在的保险经纪真的是不简单, 不但要有口才, 还要有耐心… 对方不买你还必须笑嘻嘻的对着他. 我刚见的这位保险经纪两年前是位大公司的 FINANCIAL MANAGER, 月薪大约八千至十千,不过他却放弃之前的工作而当一家的保险经纪. 我很好奇, 一直不断的问他为什么好好的一位经理不做, 反而去做一份常受人气和常要为不同的新脸孔推销该公司的计划. 他第一句就回答我, 经理不是那么好当的, 他告诉了我不少以前所受的压力. 那当然他也说了很多当保险经纪的好处. 最后他还对我说一句话” you give, then you will receive”…. 这句话可能你们常听到… 但是 现在的人算盘打得很响, 想多赚更多钱而跟顾客斤斤计较. 我最近才领悟到不管在打工或当老板做生意, 你做越多不代表你会吃亏, 可能你所得到的比所付出的更多… 我真的希望我身边的人都懂得这个道理…
除此之外, 这位先生也教了我不少东西, 非常不好意思… 花了别人那么多时间却没帮他买保险….


Thursday, August 11th, 2005

不是POH 的 MSN提醒我, 我都忘了今天是中国的情人节七夕节…
七夕(农历7月7日)—是传说中牛郎织女从鹊桥渡天河相会的日子,是中国传统的情人节. 不过, 我有很多朋友都不知道有这个日子的存在, 他们都以洋人的二月十四情人节为重. 如果我现在无端端去祝贺他们, 他们肯定一头霧水都不知道我在讲什么. 呵呵….
愿天下有情人终成眷属… yeah!!


Wednesday, August 10th, 2005


都是煙霾惹的祸, 害我没得去跑步. 我很难才提起决心来锻炼我的身体, 现在巴生谷地区的煙霾情況非常糟糕, 空氣中帶有浓浓的燒焦味, 我的减肥计划可泡汤了, 唉… 不但如此, 现在我连呼吸都很困难… 快.. 我需要人工呼吸!